Auction 247
Send all bids to Hector Mena PO Box 14831, Baton Rouge, LA 70898 or
The closing date is
Saturday July 23, 2022 at noon.
The winning bid will be 10% over the next highest bid. If there is only one bid the winning price will be equal to the reserve. If the difference between the top bids is less than 10% the winning bid will be equal to the top bid.
All the lots are illustrated in the Socorico Web Site with complete auction conditions. The same information can be obtained by fax or
mail from auction manager. A buyer fee of 5% will be charged, but it will be waived if payment is received within 15 days after notification.
If no payment is received 30 days after notification the lot will be assigned to the second highest bidder. The cost of postage is additional.
Packages over $100 will be sent signature package and foreign ones will be sent airmail registered at the recipient risk. for postage rates. Submit items for next auction by
August 1, 2022 by noon
to auction manager.
All payments will be made to Socorico either by check to Treasurer or PayPal account
Each bid should be accompanied with the address to mail the lots, if not available the society listed address will be used and also with mailing instructions.
Catalogue price reference is "Scott Standard Catalogue", other reference numbers are the "Costa Rica Postal Catalogue Fourth Edition" or "Costa Rica Revenue Stamp Catalogue 2006 (M&R)". Low value stamps are not graded; in a lot the overall grade represents the highest value stamps.
Abbreviations o/p: overprint, s/c: surcharge, cc: circular cancellation, ng: no gum, og: original gum, nh: no hinged, FDC: first day cover, mint or MNH: mint never hinged, SJ: San Jose, reg: registered, bk: block, i: irregular shape, RUC: right upper corner, RLC: right lower corner, LUC: lower upper corner, LLC: left lower corner. Commercial covers - unless specified these covers may have stamps of other contemporary issues. All covers from San Jose or to San Jose unless specified.
Lot | Description | Reserve |
XIX Century Documents |
1 | 1840 Receptoria Heredia receipts of all the year (booklet 6 pages) | $60 |
2a 2b | 1840 Administracion Maritima del Norte certification of service | $25 |
3 | 1844 Comandancia del Norte (Moin) expense report September | $40 |
4 | 1844 receptoria marking S.Jose on Jan 8 receipt | $35 |
5 | 1860 San Ramon receipts of mail for November (booklet 7 pages) | $60 |
6 | 1860 Rio Grande Custom quarterly account of expenses | $15 |
7a 7b | 1867 Detail of income of Postal Service | $25 |
8 | 1868 Administrator of Correos deposit fund in National treasury | $5 |
9 | 1870 Receptoria Guanacaste dues paid for merchandise | $20 |
10 | 1870 Superintendencia de los Caminos receipt for services | $5 |
11 | 1873 CR Railroad receipt emergency supplies in Cartago | $6 |
12 | 1873 Railroad receipt supplies at camp site | $6 |
13 | 1875 Cartago post office rental expense | $8 |
14 | 1877 Puntarenas Correos collection of informs, letters (booklet 7 pages) | $40 |
15 | 1877 Alajuela Correos ledger expenses (booklet 10 pages) | $50 |
16 | 1877 Inspector of the Treasury SJ civil court expenses | $5 |
17 | 1877 Liberia receipt of certified mail from SJ containing cash | $8 |
18 | 1877 Limon receipt of certified mail containing 1000 5c blue stamps | $10 |
19 | 1877 Puntarenas receipt of certified mail containing passenger tickets | $10 |
20 | 1877 Cartago receipt of postal material | $10 |
Lot | Description | Reserve |
1926 issue, overprints and covers |
21 | 1877 receipt of registered mail to Limon from SJ | $5 |
22 | 1877 San Jose Civil Court receipt for legal matters | $7 |
23 | 1887 Supreme Court receipt for legal matters | $7 |
24 | 1877 War Auditor receipt for legal costs | $9 |
25 | 1878 Alajuela Post office receipt for 2000 blue stamps | $10 |
26 | 1878 Alajuela mail forwarding and request for postage due | $8 |
27 | 1878 Receptoria Heredia receipt for several items | $12 |
28 | 1886 Correos de Puntarenas 500 railroad ticket receipt | $10 |
29 | 1887 Penal Court receipt for a certification | $6 |
30 | 1889 Pagare revenue document with #R15, R25 and 26 | $30 |
31 | 1896 Way bill with 2c stamp Coat of Arms used as revenue | $5 |
32 | 1897 SJ Post office receipt of registered package from the Minister of War to Puntarenas commander | $5 |
33 | 1897 July same receipt to Puntarenas | $5 |
34 | 1900 receipt from the War Department to the Port Captain in Limon | $5 |
35 | 1917 Passport | $25 |
36 | Sc143 plate proof block of 8 with printer’s corrections (PP143) | $45 |
37 | Sc143-46 o/p Waterlow & Sons Specimen perf 12.5 (S143a-146a) | $10 |
38 | Sc144 block of 42 mint | $12 |
39 | Sc144 impression on back and color tone changes | $2 |
40 | Sc190 two blocks total 49 | $10 |
41 | Sc190 block of 15 | $7 |
42 | Sc190B block of 26 | $10 |
43 | Sc190D block of 4 inverted overprint | $10 |
44 | Sc190A on cover to Wichita Set 1940 | $2 |
45 | Sc190B on cover to Houston Oct 1940 | $2 |
46 | Sc190C on cover to Miami Jan 1941 | $2 |
47 | Sc190D on cover to NY Dec 1940 | $2 |
48 | Sc190D on cover to Penna Apr 1940 | $2 |
49 | Sc190D on cover to local Dec 1940 | $2 |
50 | Sc190D on cover Puntarenas to SJ Jan 1941 | $3 |
51 | Sc190D on cover Cartago to SJ Dec 1941 | $3 |
52 | Sc190D on cover to Houston Dec 1940 | $2 |
53 | Sc190D on cover to Mass Feb 1940 | $2 |
54 | Sc190D on cover to NY 26 Nov 1940 FCD Philatelic Office | $2 |
55 | Sc190D on cover to NY 26 Nov 1940 FDC Philatelic Office | $2 |
56 | Sc217 block of 35 No 46 | $20 |
57 | Sc217 vertical pair inverted overprint | $10 |
58 | Sc217 on cover Peralta to Siquirres Set 1942 | $5 |
59a 59b | Sc217 + C16 on back La Marina San Carlos to SJ Set 1942 censored | $5 |
Lot | Description | Reserve |
1941 University Issue and covers |
60 | Sc212-16 overprinted specimen MNH | $10 |
61 | Sc212-16 on FDC Aug 26, 1941 | $8 |
62 | Sc213 on cover Cairo to SJ Jun 1942 | $3 |
63 | Sc213 to La Zona Limon Aug 1941 | $2 |
64 | Sc213 SJ local Jul 1942 | $2 |
65 | Sc213 + 211 San Mateo Mar 1942 | $6 |
66 | Sc213 + 222 Sixaola to SJ Jul 1943 censored | $4 |
67 | Sc213 same as above Aug 1943 | $4 |
68 | Sc214 Cartago to SJ Nov 1941 | $3 |
69 | Sc214 Juntas de Abangares to SJ Dec 1941 | $3 |
70 | Sc214 Miramar to SJ Nov 1941 | $3 |
71 | Sc214 San Rafael Poas to Poas to SJ Nov 1941 | $6 |
72 | Sc74 to 80 mint blocks of 4 | $45 |
73 | Sc74 to 80 on FDC Aug 26, 1941 | $18 |
74 | ScC74 Atirro to Turrialba transit to SJ Apr 1942 | $3 |
75a 75b | ScC74 x3 back + 209 Manzanillo de Puntarenas to Colorado to SJ registered Aug 1942 | $6 |
76 | ScC74 Guanacaste to SJ Apr 1942 | $3 |
77 | ScC74 La Union to SJ Mar 1942 censored | $3 |
78 | ScC74 Candelaria to Naranjo transit to SJ Apr 1942 | $6 |
79 | ScC74 Oficina Telefonica Santa Elena Tarrazu to SJ | $6 |
80 | ScC74 Rio Cuarto to SJ Mar 1942 | $6 |
81 | ScC74 Santa Barbara to Heredia transit to SJ Apr 1942 | $5 |
82 | ScC74 Santa Cruz to SJ Dec 1941 | $3 |
83a 83b | ScC74 SJ to Limon Apr 1942 censored | $2 |
84a 84b | ScC74 Zapote de Alajuela to Alfaro Ruiz to SJ Mar 1942 | $4 |
85 | ScC75 Turrialba to Dallas 1943 censored (3 items) | $4 |
86 | ScC75 to Dallas, Wichita, Miami 1943 censored (3 items) | $3 |
87 | ScC75+ Detroit, Honduras 1942 (2 items) | $2 |
88 | ScC76 to Dallas, Salvador, etc. 1941-42 (4 items) | $3 |
89 | ScC76 to Norfolk, Decatur, etc. 1941-42 (4 items) | $3 |
90 | ScC76 Cartago to LA Mar 1942 censored | $1.25 |
91 | ScC77 Limon to Georgia censored Feb 1944 | $3 |
92 | ScC78 + 218 to NY censored | $5 |
93 | ScC74-C80 overprint specimen mint | $20 |
Lot | Description | Reserve |
Miscellaneous |
94 | Sc65/68 perf 14 with bar obliterations | $10 |
95 | Sc64/68 perf 11x14 with bar obliterations | $10 |
96 | Sc80a inverted o/p with gum | $15 |
97 | Sc86 block of 4 with gum | $15 |
98 | Sc487a imperforated (I510) | $25 |
99 | ScC399 A. Gonzalez block of 15 | $25 |
100 | ScC481 Olympics one double perf vertical | $20 |
101 | Archives Revenue M&RPR25 o/p on Sc245 (coffee harvest) block of 40 | $20 |
102 | Revenue M&R1393 block of 4 with mirror impression on back | $20 |
103 | Departure revenue M&R54 mint pair | $5 |
104 | UCR revenue M&R30 imper color proofs in blocks of 6 | $40 |
105 | Forensic revenue M&RPP11-15 op muestra blocks of 4 | $50 |