APS Affiliate 96

Auction 214

Send all bids and payments to Raul Hernandez, 4204 Haring Road, Metaire, LA 70006 USA or rherna3870@aol.com.

The closing date is March 29, 2014 at noon.

The winning bid will be one raise over the next highest bid.

Bids a step above the second highest bid will be placed in our web site two and one week and one or two days prior the closing date. The same information can be obtained by phone, fax or mail from Raúl Hernández.

A buyer fee of 5% will be charged, but it will be waived if payment is received within 15 days after notification. If no payment is received 30 days after notification the lot will be assigned to the second highest bidder. The cost of postage is additional. Packages over $100 will be sent insured and foreign ones will be sent airmail registered. Consult www.usps.com for postage rates.

Catalogue price reference is "Scott Standard Catalogue", other reference number are the "Costa Rica Postal Catalogue Third Edition digital edition revision 2012" or "Costa Rica Revenue Stamp Catalogue 2006".

Low value stamps are not graded; in a lot the overall grade represents the highest value stamps.

Submit items for next auction by April 18, 2014 by noon to Hector Mena, P.O. Box 14831, Baton Rouge LA 70898.

Abbreviations o/p: overprint, s/c: surcharge, cc: circular cancellation, ng: no gum, og: original gum, nh: no hinged, FDC: first day cover, MNH: mint never hinged, regist: registered, bk: block, i: irregular shape, RUC: right upper corner, RLC: right lower corner, LUC: lower upper corner, LLC: left lower corner. Commercial covers - unless specified these covers may have stamps of other contemporary issues. All covers from San Jose or to San Jose unless specified.

001Medio real on cardboard o/p specimen trace hinge$50.00
002Dos reales on cardboard o/p specimen hinged$50.00
003Fernandez 1883 16-20 o/p muestra gum hinged$45.00
004Fernandez 1883 1c 16 o/p muestra in black hinged$250.-
0051892 issue hole perforation from printer archives, all 24 prints MNH $75.00
0061901 issue + o/p oficial as above, some partial gum (water?)$45.00
0071907 issue 64-68 perf 11x14 bar cancels$8.00
0081907 issue 65-68 perf 14x14 bar cancels$8.00
0091907 issue 25c perf 11x14 full gum trace hinge$75.00
0101907 issue 50c perf 11x14 full gum light hinge mark$33.00
0111907 issue 1C perf 11x14 full gum light hinge mark$12.00
0121907 issue 2C perf 11x14 full gum trance hinge$80.00
013Coffee plantation 103 plate proof PP98b MNH$130.-
014Coffee plantation plate proof of frame PP98 tete beche (10 exist) MNH$400.-
015Independence 104 pair missing perf at right, gum, hinged$15.00
016Independence 104 double perf at right, gum, hinged$10.00
017Independence centenary 105-09 horiz pairs tete beche, commemorative cancels$30.00
018M. Fernandez s/c 246 proofs on wax paper, blocks 6 on blue and black$25.00
0191953 s/c on revenue displaced to bottom vertical pair MNH, browning$15.00
020As above surcharge with unprinted values, as above$10.00
021As above surcharge displaced and inverted, as above$20.00
022As above surcharge displaced and inverted, hinged, browning$20.00
023As above block of 4 surcharge displaced to lower stamp, no cancel, no gum$20.00
024Philatelic Exhibit 1984 ss 312a used$7.00
025Philatelic Exhibit souvenir sheet as above mint never hinged$5.00
026Castro Carazo s/c 1995 on commemorative card$2.00
027America issue 1998 487a imperf block no gum$40.00
028Exposition 1939 perforated file copy mint$4.00
029ATM 1993 all 16 values$90.00

Air Mail Stamps
030Airport 1940 C39-45 gum trace hinge, tropical stain on back$7.00
031Boundary treaty 1941 C67-73 gum no hinge, tropical stain on back$30.00
032Presidents 1946 C124-7 block of 4 o/p muestra, hinge marks$25.00
033Locomotive 1947 C159 o/p specimen mint$10.00
034National Fair 1950 C197/210 perforated file copy mint (no 65c exist)$12.00
035Queen Isabella plate proofs PPA223 and PPA224$100.-
036Roosevelt 1953 C224-26 pairs surcharge displaced up gum no hinge$9.00
037War Centenary 1957 C256-72 perforated file copy mint$10.00
038OEA summit 1960 C292-7 ss light hinge$5.00
039Rome Olympics 1960 C303-13 ss imperf/perf hinge traces$10.00
040United Nations 1961 C321-29 ss trace hinge$4.00
041Fauna 1963 C354-61 gum no hinge$7.50
042Indian artifacts 1963 C378-93 gum no hinge$12.00
043Postage Due J1-8 gum hinge$20.00
044Postage Due J1-8 used, some bar cancels$8.00
045Postage Due J3-8 bar cancels$8.00
046Postage Due J9-13 mint never hinged$3.00
047Semi postal B4a imperf tete beche gum trace hinge, fold in between$25.00
048Official O82/94 gum no hinge perforated star$10.00
049Christmas tax 1981 blocks of 6 variety line under C of correos$10.00

Waterlow & Sons specimens in unissued color
050S31b-40b 1892 ng, hole, perf$75.00
051S41b-50b 1901 ng, hole, perf$75.00
052S143a-46b 1926 Definitive ng, hole, perf$25.00
053S151-54 1930 Definitive, Mora ng, hole, perf$30.00
054S161a-64a Virgin 5c two samples, gum, hole, perf$25.00
055SA1c first airmail ng, hole, perf$25.00
056SA160 Columbus on ship gum, hole, perf$20.00
057SA187-89 National Theater gum, hole, perf$25.00
058SA201-07 Civil war gum, hole, perf$35.00
059SA213-22 National fair ng, hole, perf$45.00

Imperforate Proofs
060Small portraits 210-211A pairs, gum, hole$15.00
061Small portrait 210 gutter pairs, gum, hole, fold in center$15.00
062Bishop Thiel 256 gum, hole$8.00
063National exposition C35-38, gum, hole$6.00
064PPA165, pair, gum, holes$6.00
065PPA160a-63a, 64a, gum, holes$6.00
066PPA180a-89a large gum damage on back$35.00
067Civil War C189-96 gum, hole$35.00
068Centenary of War C256-72 gum, hole$15.00
069National Fair C 197-210 gum, hole$25.00
070Jimenez Gonzalez C274-82 and portraits, gum, hole$45.00

Overprinted Muestra Mint NH unless mentioned
071Pan American Health Day o/p 191-95$20.00
072Gonzalez 3c carmine 210B$5.00
073Presidents 1947 5c 227a hinge mark$5.00
074Overprint on Victory, orange in black and red, hinge marks$9.00
075Fernandez 1945 242$3.00
076Coffee harvesting 243-5 hinge marks$5.00
077As above with perforated holes$5.00
078Fernandez surcharge 246$3.00
079Coco Island o/p 247 hinge mark$4.00
080Cervantes 1947 249-50$9.00
081Roosevelt 251-55 hinge marks$5.00
082Roosevelt 251-55 blocks of 4 o/p muestra$15.00
083Bishop Thiel 256$10.00
084Pan American Health Day o/p C46-54$95.00
085Presidents C82A-91A 1945 hinge marks $7.00
086Presidents C82A-91A 1945 punched hole some hinge marks $7.00
0871944 o/p on Mercury C103$7.00
0881945 o/p on first airmail issue C104-16 hinge marks$25.00
089Telegraph s/c C117-19, 50c black & red o/p$20.00
090Red Cross C120$5.00
091Soccer 1946 C121-23 hinge marks$12.00
092Presidents 1947 C124-27 trace hinge$8.00
093Hospital 1947 C128-40 hinge marks$20.00
094Presidents 1947 C141-44 hinge marks$15.00
095Soccer s/c C145-47$20.00
096Columbus on ship C148-53 hinge marks$10.00
097President s/c 1947 C154-58$8.00
098Roosevelt C160-67 hinge marks$7.00
099National Theater C168-77$25.00
100Presidents 1948 C179-81$10.00
101Industries 1956 C252-55 hinged marks$5.00
102St. Vincent de Paul 1960 C298-302 handstamp hinge$25.00
103UN 1960 C321-28$15.00
104Cancer 1969 C498-501 handstamp ?$8.00
105Agricultural Institute 1972 C539-42 handstamp ?$5.00
106Book Fair 1972 C545-48 handstamp ?$8.00

Covers and Fragments
107Pan Am first flight to NY march 11, 1930$10.00
108as above to Canada$15.00
109First ATM issue 1993 all 16 values on FDC$90.00
110Letter Sheet 1990 LS3 prefranked no value in 6 different Christmas designs$200.-
111OEN2 official envelope1925 brown stains$20.00
112Coco Island 177 (10) & 178 (6) in fragments with small town cancellations$15.00
113Fragments with town cancellations (12)$15.00
114Fragments of postal stationary covers (16)$2.00
115Fragments of wrappers 1890 W1 & 1923 W2$5.00

Revenue Stamps, Miscellaneous
116MR847-59 1945 pairs tab with plate number o/p muestra mint$50.00
117MR1068a 1952 pair o/p inverted and displaced mint$5.00
118MR1133b 1956 pair o/p inverted mint$5.00
119MR1376 block of 4 and single (perf displaced right)$15.00
120MR1379 pair marginal imperf mint$15.00
121MR1399 block of 20 mint (perf displaced right)$15.00
122Renta Postal MR5 3 items slight s/c displacement no gum or partial$15.00
123Archives MR32a inverted o/p partial gum$10.00
124MPR12a electoral stamp block o/p muestra mint perf, separation$10.00
125MPR12a & b electoral stamps o/p muestra mint$8.00
126MPR47-53 University tax o/p muestra mint hinge$12.00
127MPR64 University tax o/p muestra mint$7.00
128Tax stamp for coffee exportation, used$20.00
129Group of consumer labels, electoral stamps, revenues, etc.$20.00
130PPT9/15 imperf vert pairs on bond or card board (these with vert crease) ng$15.00
131MNE194-98 non emis Pan American Child Congress mint$10.00
132MNEA46-54 as above mint$50.00
133Machine labels on gummed labels used as regular postage Jan/Feb 2002$20.00
134Reprint 1946 of 1903 style o/p specimen$5.00
135Ross fantasies four types of 10c no gum$10.00
136Coffee advertisement labels bilingual block of 4$15.00
137As above trilingual block of 22, largest seen (separation)$50.00

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