APS Affiliate 96

Auction 228

Send all bids and payments to Raul Hernandez, 4204 Haring Road, Metaire, LA 70006 USA or rherna3870@aol.com. The closing date is September 30, 2017 at noon. The winning bid will be one raise over the next highest bid. All the lots may be illustrated in the Socorico Web Site with complete auction conditions. Bids a step above the second highest bid will be placed in our web site two and one week and one or two days prior the closing date. The same information can be obtained by phone, fax or mail from R. Hernandez. A buyer fee of 5% will be charged, but it will be waived if payment is received within 15 days after notification. If no payment is received 30 days after notification the lot will be assigned to the second highest bidder. The cost of postage is additional. Packages over $100 will be sent insured and foreign ones will be sent airmail registered at the recipient risk. Consult www.usps.com for postage rates. Catalogue price reference is "Scott Standard Catalogue", other reference numbers are the "Costa Rica Postal Catalogue Fourth Edition 2014" or "Costa Rica Revenue Stamp Catalogue 2006". Low value stamps are not graded; in a lot the overall grade represents the highest value stamps. Submit items for next auction by October 15, 2017 by noon to Hector Mena, P.O. Box 14831, Baton Rouge LA 70898.

Abbreviations o/p: overprint, s/c: surcharge, cc: circular cancellation, ng: no gum, og: original gum, nh: no hinged, FDC: first day cover, mint or MNH: mint never hinged, SJ: San Jose, reg: registered, bk: block, i: irregular shape, RUC: right upper corner, RLC: right lower corner, LUC: lower upper corner, LLC: left lower corner. Commercial covers - unless specified these covers may have stamps of other contemporary issues. All covers from San Jose or to San Jose unless specified.

Official Mail
001First issue gum hinge marks25.00
002First issue surcharges all gum, light hinge marks18.00
003UPU surcharges 13 (no gum, signed Cohen) 14 (gum), 15 (no gum)200.00
004Fernandez 1887 gum hinge marks (x 40c)75.00
005Fernandez 1887 overprinted Muestra by printer50.00
006Fernandez 1c cancellations 1 6 items5.00
007Fernandez 1c cancellations 2 6 items5.00
008Fernandez 1c cancellations 3 6 items5.00
009Fernandez 1c cancellations 4 6 items5.00
010Fernandez 2c cancellations 1 6 items5.00
011Fernandez 2c cancellations 2 6 items5.00
012Fernandez 2c cancellations 3 6 items5.00
013Fernandez 5c cancellations 1 6 items5.00
014Fernandez 5c cancellations 2 6 items5.00
015Fernandez 5c cancellations 3 6 items5.00
016Fernandez 5c cancellations 4 6 items5.00
017Fernandez 40c cancellations 1 4 items5.00
018Fernandez 40c cancellations 2 4 items5.00
019Fernandez 10c cancellations 1 2 items6.00
020Fernandez 10c cancellations 2 2 items6.00
021Fernandez 10c cancellations 3 2 items6.00
022Fernandez 10c cancellations 4 2 items9.00
023Fernandez 10c cancellations 5 2 items6.00
024Fernandez 10c cancellations 6 2 items6.00
025Fernandez 10c cancellations 7 2 items6.00
026Fernandez 10c cancellations 8 2 items6.00
027Sc 111 Independence o/p marginal strip 3 with O elevation mid stamp15.00
028Sc 147 Lindbergh strip of 5 with fake surcharge full gum10.00
029Ambulante cancellations 28 items24.00
Semipostal B1-4 in blocks of 4 mint no hinge full gum45.00
031Semipostal B5-7 in blocks of 4 mint no hinge full gum12.00
032Semipostal B4a tete beche pair 25.00
033Semipostal B4a tete beche block of 4 (cat 120)55.00
034Semipostal B7a tete beche pair8.00
035Sc 313-14 National Arms 1984 MNH4.00
036Sc 323-26 National Values, 1985 MNH3.00
037Sc 334-5a strips orchids, 1985 MNH7.00
038Sc 348-68 strips of 5 presidents, 1986 MNH9.00
039Sc 355 horiz pair imperf at top and bottom, MNH2.00
040Sc 375-76a-e strips of 5 Gold Museum, 1986 MNH4.00
041Sc 377-85 fauna & flora, 1986 MNH16.00
042Sc 377-85 as above, used10.00
043Sc 387-88 strips National Museum 1987 MNH2.00
044Sc 405a pair Seoul Olympics, 1988 MNH1.50
045Sc 427-9 National Symbols, 1990 MNH4.00
046Sc 427-9 as above, used2.00
047Sc 434a pair America issue, 1990 MNH2.00
048Sc 436a pair America issue, 1990 MNH2.00
049Sc 437a-c strip border issue, 1991 MNH1.00
050Sc 441a-d strip Justices, 1992 MNH1.00
051Sc 448 o/p Limon Centenary 1992 MNH1.00
052Sc 449-50 America Issue 1992 MNH2.00
053Sc 453-4 dolphin protection 1993 MNH1.50
054Sc 458-9 rain forest protection 1993 MNH1.00
055Sc 466-75 marine life 1994 MNH8.00
056Sc 466-75 as above, used3.00
057Sc 488a SS America Issue 1995 MNH3.00
058Sc 489 strip of 5 Limon 1996 MNH1.50
059Sc 494-5 America Issue 1996 MNH1.00
060Sc 496 a-c CR tradition1.00
061Sc 508-17 butterflies 1998 MNH7.00
062Sc 508-17 as above used2.50
063Sc 522 a-b mushrooms 1999 MNH1.00
064Sc 532-3 exhibit France 1999 MNH2.00
065Sc 536-7 Summer Olympics 2000 MNH2.00
066Sc 543-4 America Issue Coco Island birds 2001 MNH1.50
067Sc 567 a-b America Issue marine 2003 MNH1.00
068Sc 568 sheet of 11 Cocori 20033.00
069Sc 568 as above used3.00
070Sc 590 a-e filibuster campaign MNH2.00
071Sc 593 a-j birds, marine life Coco Island 2006 MNH8.00
072Sc 492 Heroes Independence minisheet of 16 MNH5.00
073Sc 569 National Anthem minisheet of 10 MNH8.00

Covers Lyon's Project 300
074Alajuela covers 18.00
075Alajuela covers 28.00
076Alajuela covers 38.00
077Alajuela covers 48.00
078Alajuela covers 58.00
079Alajuela covers 68.00
080Cartago covers 18.00
081Cartago covers 28.00
082Cartago covers 38.00
083Cartago covers 48.00
084Guanacaste covers 18.00
085Guanacaste covers 28.00
086Guanacaste covers 38.00
087Guanacaste covers 48.00
088Guanacaste covers 58.00
089Guanacaste covers 68.00
090Guanacaste covers 78.00
091Heredia covers 18.00
092Heredia covers 28.00
093Heredia covers 38.00
094Limon covers 18.00
095Limon covers 28.00
096Puntarenas covers 18.00
097Puntarenas covers 28.00
098Puntarenas covers 38.00
099Puntarenas covers 48.00
100San Jose covers 18.00
101San Jose covers 28.00
102San Jose covers 38.00
103San Jose covers 48.00
104San Jose covers 58.00
105San Jose covers 68.00
106San Jose covers 78.00

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