APS Affiliate 96

Auction 238

Send all bids to Hector Mena PO Box 14831, Baton Rouge, LA 70898 or hrmena8@cox.net. The closing date is March 28, 2020 at noon. The winning bid will be 10% over the next highest bid. If there is only one bid the winning price will be equal to the reserve. If the difference between the top bids is less than 10% the winning bid will be equal to the top bid.

All the lots are illustrated in the Socorico Web Site with complete auction conditions. The same information can be obtained by fax or mail from auction manager. A buyer fee of 5% will be charged, but it will be waived if payment is received within 15 days after notification. If no payment is received 30 days after notification the lot will be assigned to the second highest bidder. The cost of postage is additional. Packages over $100 will be sent insured and foreign ones will be sent airmail registered at the recipient risk. Consultwww.usps.com for postage rates. Submit items for next auction by April 15, 2020 by noon to auction manager.

All payments will be made to Socorico either by check to Treasurer or PayPal account Socorico@mail.com Each bid should be accompanied with the final address to mail the lots, if not available the society listed address will be used, if available.

Catalogue price reference is "Scott Standard Catalogue", other reference numbers are the "Costa Rica Postal Catalogue Fourth Edition" or "Costa Rica Revenue Stamp Catalogue 2006 (M&R)". Low value stamps are not graded; in a lot the overall grade represents the highest value stamps. Abbreviations o/p: overprint, s/c: surcharge, cc: circular cancellation, ng: no gum, og: original gum, nh: no hinged, FDC: first day cover, mint or MNH: mint never hinged, SJ: San Jose, reg: registered, bk: block, i: irregular shape, RUC: right upper corner, RLC: right lower corner, LUC: lower upper corner, LLC: left lower corner. Commercial covers - unless specified these covers may have stamps of other contemporary issues. All covers from San Jose or to San Jose unless specified.

1104 Independence issue block x6 double vertical perf in 3 rows (100a)$25.00
2104 same marginal pair double vertical perforation both stamps$12.00
3104 same upper pair double vertical perforation both stamps$12.00
4104 same marginal copy double horizontal perf (100c)$6.00
5104 same gutter block of 4$5.00
6104 same lower marginal horiz pair imperforate plate proof (PP100)$60.00
7104 same vertical pair imperforate in right margin (100d)$40.00
8111 Independence issue o/p 1922 block of 10 deep violet MNH$8.00
9111 same block of 12 light violet MNH$8.00
10111 same double o/p separated$6.00
11111 same horizontal pair double o/p close together (112b)$10.00
12111 same imperforate right margin used$30.00
13111 same inverted o/p (112a)$8.00
14111 same o/p shifted down$3.00
15111 same o/p shifted right$3.00
16111 same raised O in strip of 3, right upper corner (pos 4)$10.00
17104 cover with commemorative cancellation local use$10.00
111 cover stamp on back, Alajuela to Kansas, transit SJ, May 29 1922$50.00
19111 cover commercial John M Keith to NY$50.00
20104 cover philatelic cover 1939$2.00
21217 Block of 4 surcharge inverted, never hinged$18.00
22246 Mauro s/c corner block of 15 with fallen spacer pos 2 (253a)$15.00
23261 JA Facio complete sheet of 100$12.00

24C2 shifted overprint to left$6.00
25C14a inverted overprint, no gum$9.00
26C20 block of 4 ("rarest airmail block": Ox 25, 1967 Cohen) reinforced$50.00
27C55a surcharge on wrong stamp$15.00
28C292 DF for DE (A304b), no hinge$3.00
29C293a pair imperforate in between$30.00
30C104-6 1945 o/p with Muestra C116 light hinge, others NH$25.00
C141-44 Presidents 1947 issue die proofs in black$250.00
32C141-44 as above blocks of 4 MNH$20.00
33C141-44 as above overprinted muestra ((MA152-55)$20.00
34C141-44 as above souvenir sheet in color (50 printed, CRFil 98, 1986)$150.00
35C141-44 as above printed in sepia printer presentation sheet signer by engraver Jose Moreno$95.00
36Cover SJ via New Orleans and San Francisco to Sidney Australia Jan 10, 1948 with two 10C, only reported (RFC 85, 1987)$75.00
37C154 surcharge inverted$10.00
38C160-67 Roosevelt o/p Muestra$6.00
39C183a two lines read the same$5.00
40C183 horizontal line on top$5.00
41C183 pair with o/p shifted down$8.00
42C420a one stamp with light blue background instead of green NH$75.00
43C484 strip of 5, one pair imperf in between$20.00
44C538 vertical pair imperf in between NH$4.00
45C552 vertical pair imperf in between $10.00
46C553 brown missing, normal to compare$10.00
47C556 horizontal pair imperf in between$10.00
48C609 imperf left margin$3.00
49C646 vertical pair imperf in between$8.00
50C658 horizontal pair imperf in between$8.00
51C659 vertical pair imperf in between$8.00
52C660 horizontal pair imperf in between$10.00
53C661 two horizontal pairs, one imperf right margin, other left margin$8.00
54C661 a pair and strip with double perf vertically$4.00
55C674 corner pair with one with shifted perf$4.00
56C686 horizontal pair imperf in between$10.00
57C686 horizontal and vertical perf shifted$8.00
58C692 imperforated proof$4.00
59C694 strip imperf left margin$5.00
60C705 strip imperf in between right stamps and margin$12.00
61C712 imperf pair (printer's waste, not allow in exhibits)$10.00
62C723-26 two vertical pairs perf 13.5, used$30.00
63C747 vertical pair imperf in between and double perf (faint) in bottom$20.00
64C747 strip with pair imperf in between$15.00
65C781 imperf pair (printer's waste, not allow in exhibits)$8.00
66C788-89 imperforate (printer's waste, not allow in exhibits)$8.00

Other Use
67CE1 vertical pair imperf in between$22.00
68CE2 vertical pair imperf in between$22.00
69RA2 Corner block of 4 inverted o/p$15.00
70RA55 pair imperf in right margin$4.00
71Venditti flight labels (used on covers) used and unused$10.00

First Flight Covers
72Second Emergency airmail local flight Limon-SJ Jan 7, 1924 with Sc 120 (see Airmail History Book page 14)$20.00
73Third Emergency flight Limon-SJ Jan 11, 1924 with Sc120$20.00
74Flight May 11, 1925 SJ-Cristobal-NY registered on EN14 with 2 tete beche pairs B7a (Ox 186)$35.00
75US Army first international flight Jan 2, 1926 SJ-Canal Zone-New Jersey with sSc119 pair$5.00
76US Army flight Jan 2, 1926 SJ-Canal Zone on EN10$3.00
77Emergency Flight Dec 30, 1927, SJ American Embassy-Canal Zone- Chicago with C1$10.00
78Pan Am first scheduled flight March 11, 1930 SJ-Panama with pair C8 + 150$4.00
79Pan Am as above SJ-Cristobal with pair C8 + 150$4.00
80Fierro flight Sep 8, 1938 local with B1$2.00
81ENTA flight Feb 9, 1937 SJ-New York$10.00
82TACA flight Nov 20, 1943 SJ-San Salvador$2.00
83Pan Am flight Dec 16, 1946 SJ-Corpus Christi$4.00
84Pan Am flight Dec 16, 1946 FAM 5 Corpus Christi-SJ with commemorative card$5.00
85LACSA Jun 1, 1946 SJ-Liberia, Liberia-SJ 2 items$4.00
86LACSA June 1, 1946 SJ-Liberia, Liberia-SJ, Golfito-Palmar-Parrita-SJ 3 items$6.00
87LACSA June 1, 1946 Golfito-Palmar-Parrita-SJ$2.00
88LACSA June 1, 1946 Golfito-Palmar-Parrita-SJ$2.00

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