APS Affiliate 96

Auction 253

Send all bids to Hector Mena PO Box 14831, Baton Rouge, LA 70898 or hrmena8@cox.net. The closing date is Saturday May 11, 2024 at noon. The winning bid will be 10% over the next highest bid. If there is only one bid the winning price will be equal to the reserve. If the difference between the top bids is less than 10% the winning bid will be equal to the top bid.

All the lots are illustrated in the Socorico Web Site with complete auction conditions. The same information can be obtained by fax or mail from auction manager. A buyer fee of 5% will be charged, but it will be waived if payment is received within 15 days after notification. If no payment is received 30 days after notification the lot will be assigned to the second highest bidder. The cost of postage is additional. Packages over $100 will be sent signature package and foreign ones will be sent airmail registered at the recipient risk. Consultwww.usps.com for postage rates. Submit items for next auction by June 1, 2024 by noon to auction manager.

All payments will be made to Socorico either by check to Treasurer or PayPal account socorico@mail.com

Catalogue price reference is "Scott Standard Catalogue", other reference numbers are the "Costa Rica Postal Catalogue Fourth Edition" or "Costa Rica Revenue Stamp Catalogue 2006 (M&R)". Low value stamps are not graded; in a lot the overall grade represents the highest value stamps. Abbreviations o/p: overprint, s/c: surcharge, cc: circular cancellation, ng: no gum, og: original gum, nh: no hinged, FDC: first day cover, mint or MNH: mint never hinged, SJ: San Jose, reg: registered, bk: block, i: irregular shape, RUC: right upper corner, RLC: right lower corner, LUC: lower upper corner, LLC: left lower corner. Commercial covers - unless specified these covers may have stamps of other contemporary issues. All covers from San Jose or to San Jose unless specified.

Each bid should be accompanied with the address to mail the lots, if not available the society listed address will be used and also with mailing instructions.
The fee structure for the sellers has been reduced for high price items. Sellers interested in known the details please contact the sales manager.

1 Sc1 deep blue with circular cancels 6 items$2.00
2 Sc1a & 2 dated cancels 9 items$3.00
3 Sc3 with dated cancels 2 items$7.50
4 Sc1 bisects with fake cancels on 2 fragments$5.00
5 Sc7 NG & 9 gum$1.00
6 Sc8 no gum$4.00
7 Sc9 usual red surcharge, 2 items, one gum, other NG$2.00
8 Sc9 marron or brown red surcharge, 3 items (one signed Cohen) $5.00
9 E12A Wyman First Issue Catalogue (CRF 151)$75.00
10 E14 as above (priced 250)$75.00
11 E14 as above double surcharge (priced 250)$75.00
12 E14A as above$75.00
13 E14E as above (priced 500)$75.00
14 Sc13 fakes 4 items$2.00
15 Sc13 fakes 3 items$2.00
16 Sc13 fakes 3 items$2.00
17 Sc14 fakes 3 items$2.50
18 Sc14 fakes 3 items$2.50
19 Sc14 fakes 3 items$2.50
20 Sc14 fakes 3 items$2.50
21 Sc14 fakes 3 items$2.50
22 Sc15 fakes 2 items$3.00
23 Sc47a imperforated left (one of two reported)$ 350.-
24 Sc50 Waterlow specimen sheet of 9 perf (S56b)$35.00
25 Sc111 proofs of overprint (OP106 and 107)$6.00
26 Sc111Jk VD for UD position 72$30.00
27 Sc129-35 Centenary Guanacaste overprint specimen with hole (S131-37) $6.00
28 Sc147 Lindbergh fake vertical strip of 5$2.00
29 Sc201a flags omitted (value 250)$ 100.-
30 Sc218 inverted overprint (223c)$4.50
31 Sc246 corner block of 15 with fallen spacer pos 2$5.00
32 Sc247 block of 4 with inverted overprint mint (254b)$8.00
33 ScC46-56 Pan American Health mint traces of hinge$75.00
34 ScC55a overprint on 25c (A55a)$25.00
35 ScC57-66 Soccer Games mint no hinge$42.00
36 ScC57-66 as above used$30.00
37 ScC57-66 as above in large FDC$35.00
38 ScC74-80 UCR overprinted specimen with hole (SA74-80)$10.00
39 C128-40 Hospital issue color proofs set 1 (CPA139-51a)$50.00
40 C128-40 Hospital issue color proofs set 2 (CPA139-51b)$50.00
41 C168-77 National Theater in blocks of 4$35.00
42 C168-77 National Theater working die proofs of frame (only one reported) $450.-
43 C168-77 National Theater color proofs of frames imperf with hole (CPA180-89)$80.00
44 As above overprint Waterlow & Sons (SA187-189)$5.00
45 C183 block of 4 with error in 3rd line (A195a)$15.00
46 Collection of more 125 cancels from small towns$5.00
Collection of PO stationery and formularies$8.00

1885-88 Guanacaste Revenue Overprints
48 GR3-8 Type G2 not used no gum$25.00
49 GR1-7 Type G2 mostly used (ex-Saenz)$75.00
50 GR9 Type G2 1c not used (signed Peralta)$25.00
51 GR9 Type G2 1c used$25.00
52 GR11 Type G3 1c used$25.00
53 GR12 Type G3 2c not used$25.00
54 GR13 Type G4 1c not used$25.00
55 GR14 Type G4 2c not used$25.00
56 GR15 Type G5 1c not used signed Peralta & Napier$40.00
57 GR15 Type G5 1c used$25.00
58 GR16 Type G5 2c not used$25.00
59 GR17 Type G6 1c not used signed Peralta$35.00
60 GR18 Type G6 2c not used$25.00
61 GR18 Type G6 2c used$25.00
62 GR19 Type G7 1c used$25.00
63 GR20 Type G7 2c used$25.00
64 GR21-28 Type G13 mostly used (ex- Saenz collection)$40.00
65 GR29-36 Type G14 mostly used (ex- Saenz collection)$40.00
66 GR38-45 Type G8 not used (ex-Colonel Green collection)$20.00
67 GR47 Type G9 block of 4 not used (ex- Alvarez)$5.00
68 G47-54 Type G9 not used (ex-Colonel Green collection)$25.00
69 GR63-64 Type G12 small not used$3.00
70 GR pair position 24 & 25 not used gum (signed Peralta)$75.00
71 GR pair position 27 & 28 not used gum (signed Peralta)$75.00
72 G3-4 pair not used gum (signed Peralta and Napier)$75.00
73 G2 block of 10 FAKE$2.00
74 G2 block of 10 FAKE$2.00
75 G2 block of 20 FAKE$2.00
76 Fakes imitating G2 Type 8 on different fonts$2.00
77 Fakes G2 on large revenue stamps, 2 items$2.00
78 Fakes imitating vertical overprint on 1c 4 items including a pair $2.00
79 Fakes G12 on 10c stamp block 10$2.00
80 Fakes G12 as above 5 and 10c stamps$2.00
80b *Revenue Guanacaste Overprints Collection lots 48 to 80$869.00

81 Sc73 Boca Tres Amigos to Arenal to Koshny to Frankfurt July 1911 $60.00
82 Commercial cover registered to Nakuru, Kenya Oct 1928$35.00
83 C224 overprint error high on stamp$15.00
84 C149 overprinted muestra to Managua Sep 1957$10.00
85 13c postage using a revenue stamp$5.00
86 13c postage using a bisect$5.00

Covers Pre-Columbian Art
87 ScC378 x2 on local mourning covers 2 items Feb 1964$1.50
88 ScC379 on local mourning covers 2 items Mar 1964$1.50
89 ScC379 & 382 on mourning covers, 1 to Miami Feb 1964$1.50
90 ScC379 x4 from Muelle San Carlos to LA Oct 1964$1.50
91 ScC380x3 Las Juntas to SJ Jan 1964$1.00
92 ScC380 Palmar Sur to SJ$1.00
93 ScC380 Quepos to SJ Feb 1964$1.00
94 ScC380x2 San Vito Java to LA$1.50
95 ScC380 +C442 Upala to Tilaran Sep 1966$2.50
96 ScC381x2 Parrita to LA$1.00
97 ScC382 + 379x2 Orotina to Monroe Set 1964$1.00
98 ScC382x3 plus Canas to SJ registered Dec 1964$1.00
99 ScC382x4 La Mansion to SJ registered Dec 1964$1.50
100 ScC382 Liberia to SJ Apr 1965$1.00
101 ScC382 Orotina to SJ Apr 1965$1.00
102 ScC382 Siquirres to SJ Dec 1964$1.50
103 ScC382 + 378 + 380 Tacares to LA Aug 1964$1.50
104 ScC383 San Ramon to LA Jan 1967$1.00
105 ScC384 to Miami Apr 1965$1.00
106 ScC385 to Miami Aug 1967$1.00
107 ScC385x2 Puntarenas to SJ registered Aug 1965$1.50
108 ScC386 + 380 Liberia to LA Apr 1964$1.00
109 ScC386 + 381 Limon to SJ registered Mar 1965$2.00
110 ScC388 + 385 to Miami registered Jul 1965$1.00
111 ScC389 to Miam immediate delivery Feb 1965$1.00
112 ScC390 to Miami registered Nov 1969$2.00
113 ScC392x4 package fragment Jan 1970$6.00
114 ScC395x2 plus more on back Atalanta Limon to LA Jan 1967 $2.50
115 ScC397x2 plus 379, 382 Orotina to SJ registered Jan 1965$1.00
116 ScC397 to Miami, LA 2 items$1.00
117 ScC400 to Gainesville Special Delivery Aug 1979$1.00
117b *Pre Columbian Cover Collection Lots 87 to 117$45.50

*Winner will be if the individual cover final bids are lower than the total

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