APS Affiliate 96

Auction 254

Send all bids to Hector Mena PO Box 14831, Baton Rouge, LA 70898 or hrmena8@cox.net. The closing date is Saturday October 12, 2024 at noon. The winning bid will be 10% over the next highest bid. If there is only one bid the winning price will be equal to the reserve. If the difference between the top bids is less than 10% the winning bid will be equal to the top bid.

All the lots are illustrated in the Socorico Web Site with complete auction conditions. The same information can be obtained by fax or mail from auction manager. A buyer fee of 5% will be charged, but it will be waived if payment is received within 15 days after notification. If no payment is received 30 days after notification the lot will be assigned to the second highest bidder. The cost of postage is additional. Packages over $100 will be sent signature package and foreign ones will be sent airmail registered at the recipient risk. Consultwww.usps.com for postage rates. Submit items for next auction by November 1, 2024 by noon to auction manager.

All payments will be made to Socorico either by check to Treasurer or PayPal account socorico@mail.com

Catalogue price reference is "Scott Standard Catalogue", other reference numbers are the "Costa Rica Postal Catalogue Fourth Edition" or "Costa Rica Revenue Stamp Catalogue 2006 (M&R)". Low value stamps are not graded; in a lot the overall grade represents the highest value stamps. Abbreviations o/p: overprint, s/c: surcharge, cc: circular cancellation, ng: no gum, og: original gum, nh: no hinged, FDC: first day cover, mint or MNH: mint never hinged, SJ: San Jose, reg: registered, bk: block, i: irregular shape, RUC: right upper corner, RLC: right lower corner, LUC: lower upper corner, LLC: left lower corner. Commercial covers - unless specified these covers may have stamps of other contemporary issues. All covers from San Jose or to San Jose unless specified.

Each bid should be accompanied with the address to mail the lots, if not available the society listed address will be used and also with mailing instructions.
The fee structure for the sellers has been reduced for high price items. Sellers interested in known the details please contact the sales manager.

1C15-27 first definitive airmail issue mint$20.00
2C15-27 as above used$8.00
C15-27 as above in blocks of 4 (includes 20c rarest airmail block)$100.00
4C15 overprinted specimen 4 printings$8.00
5C16 overprinted specimen 5 printings$8.00
6C17 to 21 overprinted specimen 2 printings each$8.00
7C22 to 27 overprinted specimen 1 printing each$8.00
8C19 die proof on card$50.00
9C67-73 overprint for border treaty in blocks of 4 (cat 120)$50.00
10EA67 proof of overprint on 20 c in a block of 4$10.00
11EA67 proof of overprint as above block of 4$10.00
12C67 inverted overprint$20.00
13C67 pos 30 hyphen omitted mint$5.00
14C67 pos 30 hyphen omitted used$5.00
15C67 pos 30 hyphen omitted in vertical pair mint$8.00
16C68 pos 30 hyphen omitted in vertical pair mint$8.00
17C68 inverted overprint$5.00
18C69 pos 30 hyphen omitted mint$5.00
19C69 pos 30 hyphen omitted in block of 4$10.00
20C69 inverted overprint$20.00
21C92-93 overprinted for social legislation in blocks of 4 mint (cat 40)$15.00
22C92 proof OPA92 on smaller letters$8.00
23C103 mint block of 4$4.00
24C103 overprinted muestra$2.00
25C103 block of 4 color proof in blue block of 4 (cat 600)$100.00
26C103 proof of overprint small print on onionskin and newsprint in pairs$40.00
27C103 proof of overprint small print on 5, 10 and 15c regular stamps$50.00
28C103 proof of overprint large print on onionskin and newsprint in pairs$40.00
29C103 proof of overprint large print on 5, 10 and 15c regular stamps$50.00
30C103 proof of overprint both type sizes in center pairs of 5c$40.00
31C103 proof of overprint both type sizes in center pairs of 10c$40.00
32C103 proof of overprint both type sizes in center pairs of 15c$40.00
33C104 to 116 overprint on official stamps used set$10.00
34C104 to 116 overprinted muestra$25.00
35C104 error printed in black (A104a-cat 200)$80.00
36C104 error printed in black (A104a) as above$80.00
37C104 inverted overprint (A104b)$15.00
38C104 proof of overprint on newsprint (EA103b) in a block of 4$20.00
39C105 double overprint (A105a)$20.00
40C104 etc. several items guideless across lower row$5.00
41C216-219 overprinted specimen, 2 printing of 5 and 10c$12.00
42CO1-13 overprinted official mint$12.00
43CO1-13 overprinted official used$12.00
CO1-13 overprinted official in blocks of 4$50.00
45C15 to 27 with hole for official use, used$30.00
46C15 to 27 with hole for official use mint in blocks of 4$90.00
47CO1-13 overprinted specimen$20.00
48C26 overprinted for Rio Janeiro Postal Congress in blocks of 4$50.00
49C26 as above with punch hole$20.00
50C15 local cover Jan 1940$1.50
51C15 pair Puntarenas to SJ Aug 1935 backstamp same day$2.00
52C16 La Sierra Abangares to SJ Jul 1935 backstamp$2.00
53C16 Liberia to SJ Oct 1942 transit, backstamp$1.50
54C16 Liberia to SJ Apr 1936 airmail, backstamp$1.50
55C16 + 217 Sixaola to SJ Sep 1942 censor, backstamp$2.50
56C17, C18 to Ashland OH$1.00
57C17, C18 to Boston$1.00
58C18 pair to Connecticut, cachet 1941 soccer championship$1.50
59C19 American Embassy to Georgia Apr 1939$1.25
60C19 to Ashland OH Jan 1939$1.00
61C19, C16 to Reading PA$1.00
62C19, C16 to Cristobal Canal Zone Feb 1938, backstamp$1.50
63C19, C16 to Ashland OH Sep 1939$1.00
64C19, C40 to Detroit Jul$1.00
65C19, C32 to Ancon Canal Zone Jun 1938, backstamp$1.50
66C19 pair plus to England censored May 1943$2.00
67C20 to Philadelphia$1.00
68C20 to Norfolk Sep 1940 backstamp$1.00
69C20 to Dallas Aug 1942$1.00
70C20 x3 to Miami Aug1936$1.25
71C21 Cartago to Cleveland Mar 1938, backstamp$1.00
72C21 + C32 to London$1.00
73C21 x2 + C19 Limon to NY registered Feb 1938, backstamps$1.50
74C22 to Miami Jan 1939$1.00
75C22 to Dallas Oct 1939$1.00
76C22 to Dallas Jan 1940$1.00
77C22 to Guatemala Dec 1939$1.25
78C22 to Norfolk VA censored Dec 1942$1.25
79C22, C21 Turrialba to Germany Feb 1935$1.50
80C22 x2, C21 to Edwards NY registered May 1936$1.50
81C23, C16 to University LA registered Jan 1939$1.50
82C24, C17 to Guatemala loss in El Salvador Set 1937$2.00
83C24, C17 to Cleveland OH Nov 1937$2.00
84C24, C18 to Norfolk, VA Set 1938$2.00
85C24, C20 to Richmond VA Jun 1936$2.00
86C24, C20 to Dallas Apr 1936$2.00
87C24, C20 to El Salvador May 1936$2.50
88C24, C20 to New York Nov 1936$2.50
89C24, C21 to Liverpool, UK Oct 1936$2.50
90C24 x2, C16 Cartago to Washington registered Dec 1937$3.50
91C25 to Brooklyn registered Apr 1936$8.00
92C26, others to Switzerland Transatlantic mail Clipper NY to Lisbon Nov 1939$15.00
93C67 to Limon$1.00
94C67 x3 Cartago to SJ Jul 1941$2.00
95C67 x2 + C55 x2 to Miami May 1942, censored$2.00
96C69 to Syracuse 1941$1.00
97C69 to New York$1.00
98C67 to 73 on FDC to Michigan Jun 1941$8.00
99C92, 93 FDC censored Sep 1943$2.50
100C103, C83 Palmar to Deadwood SD Jan 1947$1.50
101C103, 222 to NY censored$1.50
102C113, 239 to Chicago, censored May 1945$1.25
103C216-19 6 covers with each value and 2 reprints $3.00
104C216 from Siquirres to Germania May 1954$5.00
105C216 (3) from Naranjo to SJ Feb 1953$1.00
106C217 (2) from Orotina, from Liberia to SJ Sep/Jul 1954$1.50
107C218 to Monroe (3/54), from Canas (reg 5/54), from Golfito (express 6/54)$2.00
108C219 FDC to Texas May 7, 1952$2.50
109C219 to Boston (5/52), from Golfito (express 6/55)$2.00

*Winner will be if the individual cover final bids are lower than the total

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