APS Affiliate 96

Membership Application

Complete the following form, then print the entire page and send it with your dues (or print out the following 2020membership.pdf).

Send membership dues together with name, address, telephone number, and email address, and APS number to:

  • Socorico
    Attn: Leslie Bissell
    4411 Lloyd St
    Kansas City, KS 66103
    or email to kcleslieb@gmail.com
    Make PayPal payments to the following account : socorico@mail.com

State or Province
Zip or Postal Code
Telephone Number
Email Address
APS # (if available)
$10) Membership with all the privileges/rights and electronic subscription of The Oxcart. ($10.00 by payPal).

Copyright SOCORICO (www.socoricp.org) - 2025 - All Rights Reserved. Contact Larry Fillion if you have questions or problems with the web site.